Your Website Title Can Make You King
What is a website title tag?
A website title tag defines the title of the document. If you right click off the side of your website, then left click “View Page Source” your website code will appear. Your page title will appear somewhere near the top between the 2 title tags . The title code on my website homepage looks like this.
Since Google only displays the first 55 characters of your title, try to keep it short, or at least get your most important keywords at the beginning of the title. The copy in purple is my business title tag on Google.
Why is a title tag important?
Your website title tag is one of the most important tools you can utilize to get your site ranked high on search engines. The use of proper keywords ( words a potential customer uses in his Google search) is a must to rank high. Your potential customers won’t find you if you use ineffective keywords, as less than 1% ever go beyond page 1 on any search engine.
How do I change my title tag?
Each website design software is different, so there is no one easy answer. I recommend referring to your software support, or contact me and I will determine which keywords will attract customers, and insert these keywords in title tags on your website.
Dave Horton
Dave Horton Advertising